Unit 12: Personal Study
The personal study unit was to help us prepare for our FMP by getting us to research a relavent topic related to our chosen production. I knew I wanted to do something based around marketing but I wasn't sure what yet but I did know that after college I wanted to go into the marketing industry and potentially study it at university. For this reason I decided to research further into digital marketing and how the industry is adapting to technological advancements.
Bellow you will find my essay, planning document, research and my bibliography.

Research Bibliography
Rose, M. (2014) What is inbound marketing? Tech Target.[Internet] Available at:
Harris, D. (2017) 10 Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing Techniques. Get Response. [Internet] Available at:
Evans, C (2018) 7 Digital Marketing Techniques That Are Evergreen. Mark Growth. [Internet] Available at:
OfCom survey results:
elderly people and not using online recourses: