hi everyone!
This week I had m second art session on ward 37! It was a lovely positive atmosphere this week and we had the pleasure of working with a wonderful man who had fought in the war and written numerous novels and books! He was a fantastic character and he loved fashion so he did us a lovely 1940s dress with gorgeous detailing.

His two daughters were visiting and both of them were artists. They did us some fantastic paintings and told us stories about their dad and what an amazing man he is. it was so nice to spend time with such a kind and creative family!

" enjoyed this scintillating group."
"such a happy time. loved it."
our next session is on the 23rd march 2-4pm so if you have a loved one on the ward and fancy visiting come and join us to do some art!
(dementia ward 37, York hospital, England)
thats all for now,
holly x