one of the most important things when applying for any job/course is presenting yourself in the best possible light and selling yourself as an individual. When applying for anything in the creative industry, a portfolio is usually requested, this includes all your best work and should display your artistic skillset. A great way to do this is setting up a wix site displaying all your work so far along side contact information etc. Just as important as the content of your portfolio and website, is how its presented: is it accessible? is it clear? is it easy to navigate? does it look professional? is it creative?
An important thing for me is presenting myself as really proffesional but also putting across my personality. As im not going to university next year, it really important for me to come across as employable so my website is more than just a portfolio for me, its like my CV.
so in addition to my webiste, i wanted to create a logo to have as my focal point on my website and that i can use in future projects/products to create consistancy and my own 'brand'.
The first logo i created (A), my friends said looked like it was for a charity so i went back to the drawing board to create something more professional with a different graphic but using the same fonts (B). I didn't feel like logo B looked right or reflected my personality so i started completely fresh. Im really happy with logo C and i created it as a shape and with a background so i can use it for different things.
logo A:

logo B:

logo B had much more positive feedback however i feel there is still things that could be improved with more time.
logo C:
